Friday, July 6, 2007

Trip to Skippack, Pa.

On June 30, we took a trip up to Skippack, Pa., where Aunt Gail lives. We went there for a sad occasion: a memorial service for my Aunt Ginny Mahoney -- the boys' great aunt. There was a service for her a couple months back in Indianapolis, where she lived. But not everyone was able to make it out there, so we decided to have another one in Skippack -- not too far from where she was born and raised, in Chestnut Hill, Pa. We got a chance to visit with both sides of the family -- Jarvis (Mahoney) and Hopkins, and the boys saw their Aunt Beth again and met Uncle Steve, Ginny's daughter and son.

We spent Saturday and Sunday there, and on Sunday visited the very quaint town of Skippack with aunts Gail and Beth and Uncle Steve. We had breakfast at a great place, Grandma Brenna's. Wonderful breakfast sweets, like coffee cake and chocolate chip scones, all made from scratch as well as the frittatas and other breakfast goodies. Great lattes, too. We'll head back there again for sure.

We sat out on the wraparound porch of Grandma Brenna's, sipping our lattes (and milks) and had a very enjoyable time just passing the morning and chatting.

Then we wandered through the various shops in town. I had to shoot a couple of pictures of things that caught my eye -- the peak of a roof, a bright red rose outside a shop entrance:

The boys got a bit tired of all the walking around and chilled out on a bench while Mom did a little wardrobe shopping.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil -- right? :-)


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