Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Max's First Step to Stardom

Ok, this is it: Max's first commercial. It's his first step on the path to celebrity and stardom!

You saw it here first. Update, 8/7: Check out the video, just uploaded to YouTube:

(Yes, that's Melissa doing the voice-over in the commercial.)

Melissa's work with the water Service Authority here in Prince William County gave us the opportunity to have Max star in a water Service Authority commercial. It just so happened that the location where the crew was going to shoot at fell through, and the crew decided to shoot it at our house. And they wanted to use Max as "the young boy" in the commercial. It's going to run throughout Prince William County (hey -- another PW!), which just happens to be one of the top-ten fastest growing counties in the country. It will air on Fox News, the Weather Channel (apparently two of the most-watched cable channels), as well as other select channels on Comcast cable here. We'll have to record it and link it up on YouTube so you all can see it when it's finished. But here's an out-take still photo from the shoot today:

The scenario is that someone from PWCSA (the Prince William County Service Authority) comes up to deliver a Consumer Confidence Report to the homeowner, which documents the quality of the water they're getting. So that's "Mom" at the door (really a water authority engineer) with Max, the water authority guy at left in the blue shirt and cameraman at right. We'll link the video up on our blog as soon as we can. 

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