Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wizards vs. Bucks, Dec. 2

Senator Kohl of Wisconsin was kind enough to pass along some tickets to the Wizards-Bucks game tonight. Great seats, fun game and a wonderful time. We started off with dinner at the Monocle restaurant on Capital Hill, then walked over to Union Station to take the Metro over to Verizon Center. The boys really got into the game:

It's a Wizard 101 thing ... an online game the boys play. They noticed the score and made me take a photo of it.

The Wizards won, 104-102. The Bucks tied it up with 10 seconds to go on a 3-pointer at 102-102, but the Wizards got the ball to Boykins on the inbound, who drove to the basket, went up for a shot and got fouled, then sank both of his free throws to win the game.

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