Sunday, April 20, 2008

Myles and His Cub Scout Trip

Both Max and Myles have joined the Cub Scouts, and yesterday, Saturday, April 19, Myles' Den visited a local TV station -- WRC Channel 4, an NBC affiliate in Northwest D.C.

Myles and his Den got a tour of the facility, and the weather man for the station came out to talk to the boys and explain the weather forecasting.

While he was there, he saw himself on the monitor as he passed the spot in the newsroom where the station does its newsroom updates. While he was sitting the chair, he heard a voice come over the system, which said, "Hey ... will the reporter with the yellow shirt who was just on camera come back to the news anchor chair." Which Myles did.

"Show me how old you are with your fingers," said the voice. Myles held up 6 fingers. "You qualify!" said the voice. "You're hired. Please report to personnel and fill out the paperwork. You may begin immediately." Which got a big smile from both Myles and dad.

The boys had a great time, and visited the control room during the live broadcast. The director spoke to Myles and explained how she directed the live show.

We also went into the studio to watch the newscast. The anchors were very gracious and the boys had a blast. After the trip, Myles was starving, and we stopped into Georgetown for a bite to eat.

Myles checked out the menu from the street at Nathans (he had no idea this was mom's hangout in her younger years) and we went in to grab some lunch. Myles saw the bar and the stools and went straight for them, insisting we sit there to eat. Hmmm ... We had a good lunch -- Myles had a burger and fries (and quite a few muffins as a pre-meal appetizer). A fun trip!

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