Friday, April 13, 2007

Wacky Hair Day

No, Max and Myles haven't turned into a couple of British punk rockers ...

I'm not sure if this is for real or not, but the boys said that today was "Wacky Hair Day" at school. So off went Max and Myles to Old Bridge Elementary all set with their wacky hair:

Kids these days!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

American Museum of Natural History

Today we went to the National Mall to visit the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum.

We went mainly to see a photo exhibit there highlighting Nature's Best Photography International Awards. The photos were stunning. Everyone's favorite photo was of a Bald Eagle:


The photos above were from the youth division. They were shot by boys and girls under the age of 18. Pretty amazing.

Max and Myles really enjoyed the fossils and Birds of D.C. displays:

We decided to go see the IMAX 3D movie, Sharks. It was the first 3D movie the boys had seen, and they really got into the experience:

Keep a watchful eye out for these hombres!

A great way to spend a Sunday!