Saturday, March 31, 2007

Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Last Sunday we took advantage of the first really nice spring day and went for a hike in the Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The boys had a blast.

We walked along a trail that led from the parking lot through wooded and marshy areas and we kept on the lookout to try to spot some birds. We had our binoculars and the boys alternately searched for birds and other wildlife and had fun running up and down the trail.

We saw a pair of Ospreys nesting, lots of Red-winged Blackbirds as well as Great Herons, Hawks and even what we thought was a Bald Eagle off in the distance.

Nesting Ospreys

We walked along the bay and the boys dubbed the island we saw off in the distance as "Treasure Island" because of the box of treasure they thought they saw on it:

Treasure Island

We stopped in a shelter that had a large telescope and the boys had a great vantage point to look out over the bay.

We'll definitely be back. In a couple of weeks the park is hosting an Eagle Festival. Stay tuned for more photos!